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Performance Marketing

Delightful Conversions with Efficient Strategies
The performance marketing process at Webtures is implemented according to the most competitive conditions.


What is Performance Marketing?

Performance marketing, also known as Affiliate Marketing, refers to affiliate marketing. This system is utilized for the advertisement of the product to be marketed to reach a much wider audience. It is an economical, risk-free and effective marketing method. The company offering products and services needs to identify the target audience it wants to reach. The areas that this target audience visits the most in the digital world should be identified. Publishers who will promote and recommend products and services should be contacted. For example, an Instagram user with a large number of followers can share a post such as I used this product and I benefited like this. Ads in interesting posts on social media attract attention. People do not like advertisements directed directly at them. In order for a brand to become more known, it needs to make such impressive advertising experiments. It is important to use professional marketing strategies to do effective work.


We analyze the historical data in your account by blending it with current data and set it up to provide maximum efficiency.


Reklama harcadığım paranın yarısı boşa gidiyor ancak hangi yarısı olduğunu bilmiyorum dememeniz için maksimum veri ölçümlemesi için çabalıyoruz.We strive for maximum data measurement so that you don't say that half of the money I spend on advertising is wasted but I don't know which half.


After measuring the data, we make sense of this data and make it ready for optimization. 


We have all the data and it is ready to be acted upon. By taking the necessary action, we maximize the efficiency you get from ads. 

BKM Kitap : 775% Revenue Increase in 1 Month with the Same Budget

With special bids and groupings, we ensured that our budget is distributed to the groups that bring the most conversions and have low conversion costs. In addition, with the data we obtained as a result of the analyzes we made on the Analytics side, we identified the most converting audiences and added them to our campaigns on the Google Ads side and made special offers. On a daily and weekly basis, we identified the categories or products whose efficiency increased or decreased and took special bidding actions for them. As a result of these studies and other similar detailed optimizations, we increased the number of transactions by 693% while reducing the transaction cost by 691% in shopping campaigns. We used the specific remarketing lists we created in our dynamic remarketing campaigns and directed the people who visited our site to purchase by making special offers among themselves. Thus, we managed to increase the current conversion rate      9 times.

Discover the Steps

  • Search Advertising

    Reach your potential customers at the moment of need with search advertising.

  • Video Ads

    Deliver interactive ads to people who might be interested in your products with Youtube video ads.

  • Display Advertising

    Increase your internet awareness with display ads. Invest in the future.

  • Mobile Advertising

    Get the most out of your mobile site and app.

  • Shopping Advertising

    With your product xml, make your products visible at the top of search results with their images and prices, and increase your sales.

  • App Ads

    With Google's automatic targeting, you can drive more downloads and engagement in the mobile market.

  • E-Mail Advertising

    Reach users who have received emails from your competitors, create more customized ads with Gmail's custom templates and reach users with emails that contain your keywords.


Benefits of Google Ads for Your Company

With Google Ads campaigns managed by Webtures expert team, we optimize conversion with a focus on maximum performance and minimum cost by ensuring continuity and complementarity within the integrated fiction of the campaign with appropriate motivations for user habits on different platforms.

  • By increasing your brand visibility, frequency and awareness, we increase the trust index of your brand, which is effective in the purchasing decision.
  • We increase your traffic by increasing your CTR values with fictions that run on the motivations that users provide maximum return.
  • By analyzing the behavior of consumers to get in touch with you, we increase your interaction with action-oriented results such as social media, website, e-mail, phone.
  • We act result-oriented and increase your sales with an environmental marketing structure where all processes are optimized and brand integrity is protected.

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Success Stories References

In line with the strategies we implemented for Entes, we achieved an increase in organic traffic and a 0 increase in the rate of new users visiting the site.

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itopya.com is a new retail chain in the IT sector; It is a brand that has adopted the principle of working focused on customer satisfaction with strong steps and experienced personnel that will make a difference in the sector with its strong e-commerce understanding.

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Thanks to the SEO strategy, we started to be listed with priority in 33,000 words and increased our organic traffic by 0.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Performance Marketing

It varies according to your advertising budget and your expectations from advertising. We can achieve the right results by planning according to your sector and the competition in that sector.

Each keyword has a different cost per click. It varies according to the competition in that sector.

No intermediate panel is used and the advertising fee is defined on your company's credit card. In this way, you can see the work done and expenditures transparently.

Google does not allow malicious ad clicks using filters (such as IP protocol). Not every click from competitors is paid for.

Search users first enter the research processes and then decide. Since this varies according to the sector, we cannot give a clear answer.

The service fee varies in e-commerce and corporate companies. Up to a certain fee, commission-based progress is made for fixed afterwards.