User Experience What is UX?
User experience guides the entire process of visitors to your site, aiming to bring both the site and the visitors to their goals in the shortest way possible.
User experience studies also increase the profit rate of sites by increasing on-site sales and conversion rates.
With the widespread use of the Internet, brands have started to carry out marketing operations mainly over the Internet. Especially in recent years, the concept of user experience is frequently encountered in the product development studies of brands.
The explanation of the user experience, referred to as UX (User Experience), is briefly; It is the whole of the emotions and behaviors that the person using a product or service reveals during this process. These emotions and behaviors are analyzed in terms of;
- Practical,
- Experimental,
- Effective,
- Semantic,
- Valuational.
More and more research is being done on UX-related studies every day. UX, which acts as a key point especially for directing the target audience to the brand, is a subject that companies aiming to be a strong brand should tend to.
Discover Steps
USER EXPERIENCE Characteristics of User Experience (UX)
Although it seems like a complex concept, the user experience we experience in many stages of our lives is actually the entire process of a product or service. UX, which is fixed but also replicable, generally takes place in 5 basic steps.
UX is generally the process of designing the goals or strategies of brands. With the successful design of the user experience, brands shape their products or services with the most accurate solutions.
User Behavior
Prerequisite user stories and user traffic
UX Analytics
Keşif süreci olarak bilinen çizimler, wireframe yapılar, bilgi yapıları, prototip, A/B testler
UX Enhancements
Tasarım olarak bilinen modelleme ve devretme süreci
Performance and Reporting
Kalite kontrol amacıyla incelenen hız, hata payı ve diğer detaylar
Difference between User Experience
and User Interface
User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are two separate concepts that are often confused with each other. However, the user interface is part of the UX process. The user experience process includes techniques such as;
- Data analysis,
- User satisfaction
- Prototyping,
- Site mapping.
In addition, there are issues that represent visuality in the user interface such as:
- Action buttons,
- Tools used on the page,
- Content and visual design.
In short, UX ensures that the product is usable and UI ensures that the visual design of the product is user-friendly.
The Importance of User Experience
With the widespread use of the internet, brands have started to carry out marketing operations mainly over the internet. Especially in recent years, the concept of user experience is frequently encountered in the product development studies of brands.The importance of user experience has been on the agenda especially in recent times. This method, which offers benefits to brands in many ways, is easily accessible to the target audience when interpreted correctly. However, when wrong inferences are made in the UX process, it becomes impossible to achieve successful results.The importance of user experience can be generally explained as follows:- The product is ensured to be easily usable.
- It is aimed that users are satisfied with the features of the product.
- It is aimed that the user likes the product spontaneously, not that the product is liked by the user.
User Experience (UX) Goals
Increasing Conversion Rates
- Sales Rate
- Mail Collection Rate
- Phone Call Rate
- Form Filling Rate
- Form Filling Rate
Reducing Exit Rates
The most logged-out pages on the site are analyzed, the reasons for the logging out are identified, and improvements are made for users on the pages.
Increasing the Number of Page Views
The site's redirects and links are optimized to increase the number of page navigations per user.
Increasing Page Retention Times
Landing pages and the user audience are analyzed to increase dwell times.
UX How We Achieve Goals?
1. Knowing Your Audience
The performance of the devices you attract traffic from is analyzed based on variables such as brand, model and browser.
By identifying the days and hours when your website is used the most, reports are provided to you to schedule your social media posts, mailings and advertising campaigns in the most accurate way.
2. Fixing Bugs on the Site
Bug Detection and Repairs
While users shop on your e-commerce site, regular checks are carried out to ensure that all the steps they follow proceed in a healthy way and to detect any irregularities in the purchasing process.
Optimizing all forms and their content by identifying errors that users encounter when filling out forms on your site.
3. By Improving All Processes on Your Site
On-site Optimization and Enhancements
We increase the visibility and click-through rate by arranging the image, color and content harmony on your website and providing visual integrity, as well as placing the images on your site in the most appropriate places in line with their functions. We identify the missing parts in the processes, buttons and functions on the site and ensure that the site runs smoothly.
Video recordings of the sessions visitors spend on your site are taken; from tracking mouse movements to all clicks during their stay on the site, they are tracked and interpreted and errors encountered by users are detected.
Analyses User Experience (UX) Analyses
- Heatmap Analysis Many factors affect your SEO, from the words used in text and content, to your own website, to links from other websites.
- Form Test Many factors affect your SEO, from the words used in text and content, to your own website, to links from other websites.
- Scrollmap Analysis Many factors affect your SEO, from the words used in text and content, to your own website, to links from other websites.
User Experience Tools
To evaluate user experience performance, it is necessary to use performance analytics tools. These analytics tools analyze users' behavior, score them and make recommendations. We can list popular and effective user experience tools as follows:
Google Analytics